Recent Events

  • Cleveland International Convention
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 13 Aug 2024
    June 30 - July 6, 2024 was the International Barbershop Harmony Convention held in Cleveland, Ohio.
    We had 51 members of Harbourtown Sound representing the Ontario District competing with 34 other choruses from around the world.
    During that week we went to a Cleveland Guardians baseball game and shared a meal with Toronto Northern Lights, who were also there to compete.
    Click here to see a video of our performance!
  • Fire Chiefs Memorial Service
  •  Date Posted: Fri, 14 Jun 2024

    The chorus has great relationship with the Ontario Fire Chiefs, and has been invited to the annual Fire Chiefs Memorial Service for the past 14 years. This year's service was on May 3rd, 2024.
    A bagpipe band ushered in the colours to start the ceremony, followed by the chorus leading O Canada.
    It is a very moving service honouring all the Ontario Fire Chiefs who passed away in the previous 12 months.
    Their names are called out individually, and a representative from their last firehouse places a silver helmet on the dias at the front.
    There is a short address from a fire chaplain, and a few prayers.  We also sang Hallelujah, and Let there be Peace on Earth, closing with God Save the King.
    We have been invited back for the 2025 memorial next May.
  • 2024 Spring Show
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 13 Jun 2024
    Saturday, April 20th was our 20 year celebration show at the beautiful Port Nelson United Church in Burlington.
    The chorus sang well in front of an enthusiastic audience, entertaining them with a mix of old favourites and exciting new songs.  
    In addition, there were quartets and Side by Side (Jamie and Joy MacPherson) providing thrilling performances.
    What a wonderful way to celebrate 20 years of first-class music!
  • Holiday Spectacular
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 4 Dec 2023

    Saturday, December 2nd saw our Holiday Spectacular show featuring Harbourtown Sound men's chorus, Acappella Showcase women's chorus, Empire quartet, Onyx quartet, Side by Side (banjo and accordion), and special guest tenor, the incomparable Tim Waurick!  There was a show at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm, with a total attendance of over 1,000 people.  What a fantastic show! The choruses, the quartets, Side by Side, and Tim Waurick made for an outstanding couple of hours of superlative entertainment!
  • Woodstock Tree lighting
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 4 Dec 2023
    Friday, November 17, saw a group of chorus members go back to Woodstock for their Christmas tree lighting ceremony. Unlike the weather in 2022, the temperature was above freezing and we performed two sets to appreciative audiences.
  • Ontario District Fall Convention
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 4 Dec 2023

    On Saturday October 14 the full chorus performed at the Ontario District of the Barbershop Harmony Societies’ Fall Convention, at the Sanderson Centre, Brantford. Performance at this convention determined which Ontario choruses would qualify to compete at the Barbershop Harmony International Convention being held July, 2024 in Cleveland, Ohio. Harbourtown Sound qualified to attend and compete in this exciting event. Once our Christmas shows are over we will start working hard on our two new contest songs.
  • Good Shepherd Harvest Festival
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 19 Oct 2023
    When:  On Thursday, October 12, 2023 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 
    Where:  Carmen's Banquet Centre, 1520 Stonechurch Rd. E. Hamilton
    We sang in front of approximately 1,000 people who attended the Good Shepherd's major annual fundraising dinner.
  • Woodstock "Taste of the Arts"
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 25 Sep 2023
    Saturday evening, September 23rd, 2023 Harbourtown Sound was invited to sing at the annual "Taste of the Arts" event held in the Woodstock Art Gallery.  This event was a sell-out, featuring tastings provided by local vendors such as chocolatiers, craft breweries, cheesemakers, and purveyors of all kinds of food.
    The chorus sang 3 songs as the doors opened, welcoming patrons to the event. The chorus then broke out into 2 quartets, Hindsight, and the Oddity, leaving the remainder to form a VLQ.  These groups roamed the 3 floors of the art gallery providing beautiful harmonies wherever they went.
    At 9:15 the chorus reconvened on the 3rd floor singing 3 more songs to a thrilled audience who shouted "one more song" over and over until we agreed to do so. The Mayor of Woodstock was there (pink jacket in the photo) as well as a trio called D'Eve Archer (down in front).
    It was a truly memorable evening for the participants and patrons alike.  I believe we are invited back for the "Lighting of the Tree" ceremony in November.
  • Bike For Mike, June 4th 2023
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 5 Jun 2023

    Bike For Mike

    We had a VLQ of 13 Harbourtown Sound singers that came out for the 13th annual Bike For Mike "Music and Motion' event in Hamilton.  This annual event provides 5 different routes, varying in length from 75 km to 5 km, for individuals, families, and teams to ride and raise funds through ride sponsorship,  The funds are used to help realize the organization's aspiration to get 100% of students who live close enough to walk or wheel to and from school daily.  Riding a bike and participating in music make us feel better in the present, and protect us in the future.  Both activities have a great impact on brain health.
  • 2023 Spring Show
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 4 Jun 2023

    June 3rd Harbourtown Sound Spring Show

    June 3rd, 2023, Harbourtown Sound presented what may be their finest show ever.  With guest performers, The Steel City Rovers and 'Shoptimus Prime, the show was a raving success.  We even had a set from the remarkable Tonal Canons.
    In the foyer after the show, the crowd was abuzz with congratulations and compliments for all the performers they encountered.
    It is such a boost for the chorus when our audience gets excited by how much we have upped our game thanks, to our skilled and dedicated leadership, and the world-class coaching we receive.
    Next stop -The Barbershop Harmony International Convention in Louisville, KY!

  • Larry Armatage Obituary
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 24 Apr 2023

    On April 12th we lost a great barbershop ambassador, and friend to all he met.

    Larry Armatage created his own video obituary last year, and the link to it is below.

    The video really is typical 'Larry' upbeat, funny at times but most of all genuine and reinforces what we all knew about his unwavering love for Isabel.

    Over the next few days, please take a couple of minutes to reflect on your time with a man that we were all proud to say that we knew.

    In his own words, and with his own skillful editing, here is the link to Larry's obituary.
  • Spring Show Guests: 'Shoptimus Prime
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 5 Mar 2023
    In their time together, 'Shoptimus Prime has facilitated youth a
    cappella workshops, opened for Juno Award winners, busked on the
    downtown streets of Toronto, recorded music for an award-winning
    video-game soundtrack, performed alongside college a cappella
    ensembles, and disseminated the infectious joy of singing to thousands of people, from all walks of life.
  • Spring Show Guests: The Steel City Rovers
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 5 Mar 2023
    The Steel City Rovers perform dynamic and expressive music that is a unique composite of traditional Celtic music and North American styles, including bluegrass, folk, and roots. They stand out for their powerful, emotive vocals and engaging entertainment, headlining large festival stages, giving intimate concert performances, educating in a variety of workshop and master-class settings, and performing internationally with symphonies.
  • Melissa-Marie Shriner -Christmas Show Guest
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 28 Nov 2022
    Soprano Melissa-Marie Shriner is well known as a versatile performer in recitals, concerts, and self-produced shows throughout southern Ontario and upstate New York.  In 2018, she was thrilled to be nominated for an Establish Artist Award for the St. Catharines Arts Awards.

    Her jazz endeavours include a recording, A Christmas Love Song, a throw-back to the classic Holiday recordings of the 1940's and 1950's. 

    Ms. Shriner holds a solid reputation as a vocal pedagogue through Melissa Shriner Music Studio in Jordan Station, and serves as vocal/choral workshop clinician at various high schools in the Niagara Region.  She has performed with Harbourtown Sound on previous occasions, and we are delighted to welcome her back to this year’s Christmas show.
  • Side By Side -Christmas Show Guests
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 27 Nov 2022
    Jamie and Joy MacPherson are the married partners of Side By Side, and have also appeared with Harbourtown Sound on many occasions.  Twice Canadian National Banjo Champion, Jamie has performed with Peter Appleyard, Jeff Healey, CBC’s Royal Canadian Air Farce, Toronto’s Breakfast Television, and is a regular member of both the Ragweed Jazz Band and the Hot Five Jazzmakers.

    An accomplished accordion player, Joy is also a life member of the Canadian Dance Teachers Association.  She established the Joy Booth School of Dancing in the east end of Toronto, which ran for forty-nine years.

    See the link below for a 2-minute promo video - highlighting some feature instrumental numbers with a brief introduction by Gordon Lightfoot.

    For more information watch:
    Side By Side Video
  • John Graham Swanson - In Memory
  •  Date Posted: Wed, 19 Oct 2022

    John Graham Swanson
    September 22nd, 1946 - October 19th, 2022

    It is with deep sadness that we share the news that our brother in song, Graham Swanson passed away suddenly.  Graham was an enthusiastic singer, a deeply caring man, and great friend to all who met him.  He will be so sorely missed by all of the chorus, and of course, his loving family.  Graham Swanson's sudden death occurred while on holiday in Egypt with his loving wife Lydia and their circle of friends.

    Graham was a much-loved and committed brother with the Harbourtown Sound for 7 years, singing with us on our local shows and the international stage and he helped out in many ways whenever asked.

    As Graham said in his book, “Don’t cry because it’s over.  Smile because it happened”. ❤️

    Our thoughts go out to Lydia and the family in their time of loss.  We will miss Graham on the risers, and think of him as we share our harmony.

    A full obituary can be found at Smith's Funeral Homes

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