Become a Member

Find out more information about our Chorus

Our Chorus now has almost 70 men, singing in the A Capella barbershop style.  We perform many shows throughout the year with our biggest shows in the Spring and at Christmas time.  We also sing in competition and we have represented the Ontario District of the Barbershop Harmony Society 4 times at the Barbershop International Convention and Competition and consistently scored in the top 25 choruses in the world, out of approximately 800 barbershop choruses.

We meet and rehearse every Wednesday night at 7:30 pm in Waterdown, click rehearsal, and if you are interested in joining, click join, you are welcome to attend a few rehearsals.  If you enjoy our musical sound and style, you can get access to our audition song and learning tracks,  and when you're ready to show us what you've got, you can audition with our music team to join.

We hope to see you out at a Wednesday rehearsal soon!
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