Saturday evening, September 23rd, 2023 Harbourtown Sound was invited to sing at the annual "Taste of the Arts" event held in the Woodstock Art Gallery. This event was a sell-out, featuring tastings provided by local vendors such as chocolatiers, craft breweries, cheesemakers, and purveyors of all kinds of food.
The chorus sang 3 songs as the doors opened, welcoming patrons to the event. The chorus then broke out into 2 quartets, Hindsight, and the Oddity, leaving the remainder to form a VLQ. These groups roamed the 3 floors of the art gallery providing beautiful harmonies wherever they went.
At 9:15 the chorus reconvened on the 3rd floor singing 3 more songs to a thrilled audience who shouted "one more song" over and over until we agreed to do so. The Mayor of Woodstock was there (pink jacket in the photo) as well as a trio called D'Eve Archer (down in front).
It was a truly memorable evening for the participants and patrons alike. I believe we are invited back for the "Lighting of the Tree" ceremony in November.